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Partners in Mission - See how God's work is flourishing in the Georgia-Cumberland Conference

Partners in Mission - See how God's work is flourishing in the Georgia-Cumberland Conference

Angels Walk Among Us!

It was one of those hot sticky "oven-like" days during the summer of 2018. Cindy Jumuad had joined the Front Line Maga-Books team (A ministry of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference) to serve as a student literature evangelist, and she was discouraged. Cindy hadn't sold a single book all morning. Her friends in the program were having tremendous success that day. Every door was closing on her. Loneliness trickled in as Cindy started questioning why at the last minute she had felt compelled to join the Maga-Book program for the summer. Her thoughts drifted to "Here I am, and I am stuck. What am I doing wrong? Where is God when I need Him the most.....". But, was Cindy walking alone that hot summer day?....Find out the rest of the story here-

Cindy is currently a student at Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee

Cindy decided to not eat lunch during the break, as she prayed silently in the corner of the room. Once the break was over the team leader dropped her off at a nearby subdivision. They prayed together and as Cindy stepped out of the car she lifted her prayer to heaven, "Send me to those doors that are needing these books". At the first home there was no interest. At the second property there was no answer. It went on like this house after house until she came to the 7th house. After a few gentle knocks, the door opened and a smiling woman answered. The generous host asked Cindy to come in and rest a bit as it was stifling outside. The lady of the house had just been talking to her mother in dismay because she felt she needed something to read to her children about Bible promises of peace and freedom from fear. Cindy pulled out the book "Bible Answers" published by The Review and Herald. After speaking for a short time, the woman bought a total of 5 books.
As the hosts and guest got up to leave the generous woman sprinted to the kitchen, bringing back a bottle of water to share. Graciously accepting the water, Cindy bent down to pack up her bag and as she straightened back up the host offered an additional bottle. Puzzled, she took the bottle offering thanks again. "I had been watching you going door to door, and I wanted to give a bottle to your friend who has been walking with you," said the woman. " But Cindy had been dropped off alone that day. Immediately, like a gentle waterfall, peace and comfort rushed over Cindy and she knew that her angel had been with her that entire time. As she stepped out into the sun, Cindy prayed a prayer with many thanks. Thanks to her Aunt for encouraging her to join the Maga-Books ministry that summer. Thanks for the trials and the hardships she had endured thus far. Thanks that through all the sacrifices and slammed doors, she had grown closer to her Lord and Savior while fulfilling His mission for her that summer. She now knew she had never been alone, nor would she ever be. Through it all, God was with Cindy and her angel walked alongside her every step of the way.

The same goes for you and me today. We are never alone. Remember, angels do walk among us... God's promise says in Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be dismayed, for I am your God".
Today, please pray for your "door to door" missionaries here in the Georgia-Cumberland Conference (and around the world).

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